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Therapy at a distance



I believe that psychotherapy need not confine itself to the standard traditional mode consisting of meeting a therapist whom you address face to face or while sitting on the couch (in the case of psychoanalytic treatment). An increasing number of psychoanalysts and therapists are now providing services over the phone, Skype and even instant messaging. Though the advantages of taking the time to go to your therapist’s office and see him/her in person are not negligible, it is important that one does not underestimate the effectiveness of alternative modes of psychotherapy. Many people live in small towns where psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic treatment is scarce and where the available options may not meet their demands. In our increasing globalized world some people live in countries where they belong to small minorities and where it is difficult for them to find psychotherapeutic services provided in their native language. In order to meet such concerns I have extended my services beyond the limits of the city where I live with the aim of accommodating a greater number of people seeking treatment. Details concerning how Skype, phone or instant messaging sessions will be held may be discussed with me upon contact (see contact details).




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